

HYUNDAI MOVEX has a systematic migration process through a large number of cloud experts to ensure that migration from on-premise to the cloud and from one cloud platform to another is error-free and uninterrupted.
Without a proper understanding and experience of the cloud, attempting to migrate is highly risky and time-critical task.
HYUNDAI MOVEX Cloud migration takes place after analyzing the technical features of AWS and the customers’ IT infrastructure environment in depth and analyzing the customer system management afterward.
This allows our customers to minimize their risks of moving to the cloud. Furthermore, they continue to understand the complementary aspect of the system during the implementation process and expect better performance as well as cost.

Cloud Services/Data Migration Process


  • Move to a cloud service instead of migrating existing systems and data to the cloud
  • Provide the best architecture design and migration services for execution method and the final cloud infrastructure
  • Provide revolutionary changes by using the cloud other than for cost-based purposes
  • Have previous cloud services cases in various industries including logistics, manufacturing, education and so forth.


  • Hyundai Logistics Groupware Cloud Migration
  • Hyundai Merchant Marine Task System Cloud Migration
  • Hyundai Research Institute Education Infrastructure Cloud Migration
  • Hyundai Research Institute Homepage Services Cloud Migration
  • Hyundai Research Institute ERP Cloud Migration
  • Green Climate Fund email, Intranet Cloud Services Migration
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